Sunday, January 4, 2009

Schooooool Work!

Here are some paintings I did during my first semester of my 4th year at OCAD. These were all for my Painting class. I am pretty proud of myself only because when it comes to anything involving perspective/realism I am destined to fail. Yet, with these I think I am progressing.

This is one of my fellow classmates, Chris. He wears a lot of plaid and has a beard made of fire.

He is really fun to paint so I painted him twice!

This was a two-class (8 hour) painting.

This was a 4 hour class painting which I could only be there for the last hour. Let's just say I added a lot of extras.

This was a painting study on drapery.

I want to update my life drawing studies too, they were really fun this year. Thesis to be added as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the portrait of Chris.